Practice GrowthRx

a new way to lead


How To Successfully Take your Business to the Next Level. 

  • Model The Way
  • Inspired A Shared Vision
  • Challenge The Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Values Based Leadership

Whether you like it or not, there are some huge changes coming to the private healthcare industry.

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has small business square in their sights, and you’ve got to be prepared for these changes.

The harsh reality is that the ATO sees some contract models as a version of “employment” and NOT sub-contractor agreements. 

In fact, the ATO calls these “Sham Contracts”.

This presents a very real problem for thousands of clinics around Australia.

Don’t believe it?

Ask the three allied health clinics that have just settled out of court in 2020 for cases brought against them for back-paid superannuation claims.

Whether you are employing already, or looking to move away from a contractor model, two things are clear- The next generation of practitioners want a secure income and culture that focuses on great leadership, mentoring and professional growth.

Emerge from this program as a stronger clinic & better leader.

I’ve done the “employment thing” successfully for years, and helped a LOT of clinics succeed in this framework, and I'm confident that I can help you navigate these changes, while becoming a better clinic.


After talking with 1500+ clinic owners over the past 4 years, there are several daunting thoughts and questions that are immediately faced when trying to establish a career pathway, direction and vision for the future.

  • How and where do I even begin with this?
  • What does a successful career pathway look like?
  • What are MY rights as the clinic owner?
  • How can I make sure I don’t lose money with poorly performing associates?
  • How can I plan my clinic for a more secure future?
  • How and when should I employ new staff?
  • How do I introduce measurable KPIs without losing my team?

And these are only a few of the questions we get!

Thankfully, there is a solution!

Your concerns have been heard before, and dealt with over the past 4 years within several highly successful clinics in Australia.

We understand the upcoming changes to the law and exactly what you need to do about it, and (literally) remove 99% of the stress, cost and hassle of “switching” from sub-contractor to employment models in your clinic.

For those clinics already employing, we know how to support you in implementing a model that inspires team performance, improves team culture, incentivised beyond financial bonuses, and promotes clinic growth. 

Can you do this by yourself?

Sure. I did.

But it will come at a significant cost to you in time and management errors.

My job is to eliminate some of the STRESS, reduce your WORK LOAD, and ensure that you don’t make the same MISTAKES we did.

TIME IS THE NEW RICH, and this model will fast-track you to get more of it! Not to mention, a process by which you can strategically plan and track your revenue so you can make better, more informed business decisions.


Practice GrowthRx 'More Than Just A Business Course.'

What do you get?

You’re getting over a decade of solid processes, tried-and-tested procedures, spreadsheets and documents handed to you on a platter. My intention is to make all aspects of ‘Practice Growth’ as seamless as possible, including:

1. Automated Calculation Spreadsheet

(This one single document alone is worth the entire course fee)

  • Helps establish an achievable career pathway for your team
  • Can be used to assess the performance of existing practitioners to determine which Award Level is applicable, should you decide to change their remuneration model
  • Allows you to calculate and predict minimum patient numbers needed to sustain award wages
  • Allows you to calculate incentive target KPIs to help employees with valuable reflection and encourage career growth
  • Provides a quick and easy overview  employee expenses in relation to clinic revenue
  • Helps eliminate financial risk by projecting employee costs and annual revenue predictors. The spreadsheets and resources provided ensures the model is a viable option for your current business or future vision. 

2. Practical Examples Using The Spreadsheet


  • Full description and explanation of how to use the spreadsheet
  • Practical examples using your own data
  • Group breakout discussions and peer support
  • Revision of current employment awards

3. Practice Management Tutorials & Bonuses

While I understand that all clinics are different, there are several things that I believe all clinics should understand, especially if transitioning to an employee model, these include:

  • A bonus structure agreement form to accompany your employment contracts
  • Complimentary productivity lists and google form surveys to help motivate your team
  • Current evidence and trends on delivering constructive feedback, incentivise your team and staff retention

All this delivered at your own pace via 3 x 1.5 hour one-on-one business coaching and strategy sessions with myself, Jade Scott. 

My job is to remove the headaches, uncertainty and stress surrounding clinic growth and employment. I will help you build the solid foundations of a strong, profitable future in private practice. 

Our tried and tested model has now helped 150+ clinics owners regain control and start profiting from their business.

We WILL save you a fortune in errors/mistakes.


What about payroll?


YES, we’ve got that covered too!

Our consulting and strategy sessions come with all the custom calculation spreadsheets needed to run the figures through payroll and implement new incentives models.

We show you how these can be used to effectively and safely grow your business.  

Automated Calculation Spreadsheets And Additional Forms Include:

  • Remuneration calculation spreadsheet
  • Fortnightly payroll calculation spreadsheet
  • Holiday leave spreadsheet
  • Patient numbers spreadsheet
  • Cancellation rate spreadsheet
  • Rebooking rate spreadsheet
  • New patient register example
  • Leave request form

Our job is to provide you with all the tools necessary to support healthy business growth, a total remuneration restructure, or change in direction.

But – the biggest benefits you will gain are the foundations to create a visionand the ability to CONTROL your clinic and your FUTURE.

 It’s liberating! 

Enrol now and find out why so many clinic owners are moving towards this model today.


A Word From Workshop Presenter – Jade Scott

The spreadsheets and extensive IP you are purchasing in these strategy sessions reflect years of challenges, revisions, sleepless nights and personal wins. 

Almost a decade ago I started my journey to revolutionize the ‘Fee for Service’ culture and lack of career progression amongst some of the Allied Health Industries. 

It once seemed that the only way to ‘get ahead’ so to speak, was to open your own clinic. If we wanted to make more money, or be worth more than just the time we spent using our hands, something had to change.

To be able to provide my team with a guaranteed income independent of patient numbers, employment was inevitable.

Whether we like it or not, the laws that govern push us in a direction towards remuneration guarantees for staff. More than ever, with such a volatile stock market and unpredictable economy, more and more people are looking for financial security. 

As a business owner, I felt it was my duty of care to provide this. After years of amendments, I am proud to be able to deliver a model that helps promote wage stability. I must add, being able to finally make decisions in the best interests of my business without fear of blurring the line between Contractor Vs Employees was also very refreshing. 

My passion for the allied health industry has fuelled my love for business mentoring and helping people take their businesses to the next level.  After all, the ultimate goal is to spend more time with our loved ones and less time at work, whilst still being able to afford to enjoy life. I hope achieving this possibility resonates with you as much as it does me. I now have the luxury of working because I want to, not because I have to. 

Given the detailed content and time investment needed, I hope you can appreciate that coaching places are limited. Ideally, I like to work closely with businesses over a 2-3 month period [with availability on Wednesdays or Thursdays] but this can be tailored to suit your individual needs.

If this is something that interests you I'd love to speak with you.  Please contact me - [email protected] or call +61410462792 to arrange a complimentary exploration call. 

NOTE: It is is still the responsibility of the client to liaise with your HR advisor or legal personnel regarding employment contacts and insurances relating to employment. 

You will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that you understand the advice is limited to my scope of practice and that it is your responsibility to seek clarification from your financial advisors.

I am very much looking forward to working with you… Lets do this!

Bringing you my best,

Jade Scott

Book your place now!