Let's work together to stop the spread of  COVID-19

Our small way of helping support you during these uncertain and challenging times. 

A collective list of resources, tools, distributors and suppliers that GRx members can use to source reputable products, discounts & help keep allied health clinics safe.

We hope it helps. 

Keeping  Your Clinic Safe During Covid-19

Register your clinic details to gain access to special wholesale prices and suppliers.

In the GRx members area you will be able to access full distributor lists and discounted pricing, exclusively for allied health professionals.

We have no intentions of spamming you. Your privacy is assured. We will inform you of any updates and contact you about your account. You can unsubscribe at any time ​with 1-click.

Prevention is better than cure. 

It is better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best than to deal with it after it has happened. 

Anit-Microbial Mist Spray & Refills

Face Shields &


Floor Decals, Safety Stickers & Posters

Cough Screens & Bulk Wholesale Items

All this and more, in one convenient place.